TV Show Remakes

Mandy Zuniga, Staff Writer

America has just been struck by a blast from the past with remakes,revival,and spinoffs of classic entertainment.From television series Dynasty which first aired in 1980 to many others are being revived with new cast members filling countless iconic roles.

However, viewers have mixed feelings about certain changes in script or roles and are already aware of plot twists thus making the entire series tedious. Nevertheless new cast member proved to be “varying” from the usual and not capable of entertaining audiences like in the originals.

Comedy shows such as Full House,originally aired in 1987 has made a weak comeback recently in the remake Fuller House.Critics categorize the revival as “excruciating” giving mostly negative reviews claiming it’s an example of how nostalgia looks best at a “hazy distance.”

Despite some minor remarks from critics majority of viewers are raving about the idea of reviving many shows that once were big hits in entertainment.Such as Emmy winning comedy sitcom Will & Grace that got audiences full with anticipation as the spinoff will include the same cast and positive reactions. But why have networks decided to bring all these classics back to life?

Most likely due to streaming services hopes that familiar names such The X-Files and Lethal Weapon will attract a fan base that will gradually increase.Or to give the older viewers more variety to give feed back to increase interest and ratings.

One successful remake was a drama series called Hawaii Five-O that first aired in 1968 gaining attention rapidly because of scenes featuring beautiful Hawaii and the non stop action.This show has proven that remakes had the capability of living up to the success of the originals as both shows received positive reactions.

There is no doubt many remakes will flop on the hand,the one’s that avoid this fate give nostalgia throughout society to reminisce on a more simpler time.Flops or not entertainment has evolved to appeal exclusively to the younger audience although some remakes are necessary but some things are best left alone or in this case in the past.