Money for the STEAM Academy

Fatima Aroma, Staff Writer

Not too long ago, teachers from the yellow academy received a grant specifically for the S.T.E.A.M program. We currently have one engineering class and we would want to keep the program. Mr. Bezner, teacher in charge of the steam program, explains more about receiving the money.

“We submitted a proposal to Tesoro Refinery seeking a grant to continue our engineering program at RDPS and we were selected,” said Mr. Bezner.

Mr. Bezner wasn’t the only one who helped out on working on the grant application. Ms. Kasuyama was one of the teachers who helped Mr. Bezner on getting the money.

“Mr. Bezner got the grant application and Ms. Caceres and I filled it out and submitted it and got approved for 80,000 dollars,” said Ms. Kasuyama.

Although they both made a great proposal, they only received 80,000 dollars. 80,000 dollars may seem like a lot of money, it was actually less money than they hoped for.

“For the Tesoro grant, Mr. Bezner and Ms. Kasuyama wrote a great proposal and we got less money but it was enough money to run the engineering program,” said Mr. Garcia.

Not only does the grant help pay for the program, but it also helps pay for an extra engineering class, taught by Mr. Garcia, and supplies for the class.

“The money is split into two years, 40,000 dollars for this year and 40,000 dollars for next year. We are using this money to pay the curriculum and supplies for the engineering class,” said Ms. Kasuyama.

“We currently have one Project Lead The Way class and with the grant money, we can get a second class running which pays the two classes and the supplies because the engineering classes uses materials, such as computers, tools and website for the program,” said Mr. Garcia.

This year may not be the only year they will be applying for grants for the yellow academy.

“We have intentions for applying again and other grants that will come in our way,” said Ms. Kasuyama.