One Piece is an anime show with a total of 20 seasons, 15 movies and a total of 1,075 episodes. This year in August of 2023 Netflix has released One Piece live action. The show has a total of eight episodes and includes a whole bunch of One Piece lore. The eight episodes include all the crew’s backstories, some epic fights and some spoilers. One Piece live action has some great details and features so let’s set sail for the land of One Piece.
First, the backstories; let’s start with Luffy. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat pirates and was raised by “Red-Haired” Shanks, his mom and his grandfather. When Shanks comes back, Luffy finds the Nika or Gum-Gum devil fruit, but Luffy is hungry as always and eats it. This is also when he gets the power and is now rubber but he cannot swim. The last part is when Shanks leaves to find the one piece, he gives Luffy his most prized possession: a straw hat.
Next is Luffy’s right hand man, Zoro. Zoro was a bounty hunter and was raised on an unknown island. His childhood rival Kuina was the best sword fighter and he was second best. One day they made a vow that one of them would become the greatest sword fighter ever. The next day Kuina died and at her funeral Zoro kept her sword and it became one of his three swords.
Next is Usopp, the Straw Hats’ sharpshooter. Usopp was a boy who was misunderstood because he kept telling everyone the pirates were coming. Usopp’s mother also died before his dad came home.
Then we have Nami, Luffy’s navigator. Nami was a normal red-headed girl from Coco Village. Growing up she did the normal kid things like trying to steal and trying to run away from home. Then Arlong the fishman raided her village and killed her mom who was a marine. Then Arlong took her in and chained her to draw maps. The only way she could be set free is if she paid 100 million beri.
Last we have Sanji, Luffy’s cook. Sanji originally cooked on a ship and when the ship sank Sanji and a cook named Zeff were the two survivors. Zeff gave Sanji a small bag of food which lasted him 25 days and Sanji drank water the other 60 days. Then Zeff founded a restaurant called the Baratie and Sanji has worked there ever since.
Now that the backstories are covered let’s dive into the show. In the live action Luffy saves Kolby and together they go to the nearest marine base where Kolby enlists. Luffy then meets Nami and they steal the map to the Grand Line and they flee with Zoro after a fight. Next, they are captured by Buggy who they fight off and head to the Grand Line. Then at the next island they meet Usopp and fight Klahadore and then they head for the Baratie. There they eat a lot and meet Sanji and Zoro loses in a duel to Mihawk. Last,Nami betrays them for Arlong, the crew tracks down Arlong, and Luffy takes Arlong out. Last we see Luffy get a bounty of 60 million beri.
In my opinion, One Piece live action was a great show with a lot of details, spoilers and fights. The show makes me want to watch season 2 as soon as it comes out. The fights were insanely accurate and the fatigue and damage are very realistic. I personally give One Piece a 9.8/10. Overall, this is what One Piece live action is.