Our school has welcomed a new English teacher, Ms. Bacus.
Ms. Bacus teaches all grades except 8th grade and said that the atmosphere at Rancho has been more than welcoming.
“The kids have been great, the teachers, the faculty have been extra wonderful,” Ms. Bacus said. “I’ve worked at many different schools but I feel like this is the school where I feel teachers truly care about other colleagues; they have been extra friendly and helpful.”
Ms. Bacus has had a wonderful experience in her first few weeks at Rancho, and said she plans to stay here for as long as they let her.
“I saw that there was a position open at Rancho Dominguez and I, luckily, sent my resume to Ms. Lew and it worked out!”
Teaching is not the only profession that Ms. Bacus is passionate about it. When she was listing the activities that she liked to do for fun she mentioned outrigger paddling.
“I walk my dogs, I run, I watch my son play volleyball, I visit my daughter at UCLA, I do outrigger paddling on the weekends, so I do a lot of outdoor activities.”
What is outrigger paddling? Ms. Bacus gladly explained.
“Outrigger paddling is a sport. It is a six man canoe race where you race other teams and you can do a short course or a long course,” Ms. Bacus said. “I just love it because it’s out in the open ocean and you are by yourself, alone, and out there!”
Ms. Bacus definitely has a lot to offer to our school so let’s all give her a warm welcome.