A Little Different Take On The 2020 Election
December 17, 2020
There is so much to say yet so much to hold my tongue over. We get it already, this election is huge! However there is so much more at stake down the line and in general for our country that we all have to respond to.
Our two party system has become too powerful. It seems quite dangerous that we can be split into two sides. Now to be clear, there will never be two crystal clear sides or one perfect candidate right now but it would’ve been a great opportunity for independents and other parties to take the spotlight. Besides, faction is important to the structure of our country’s freedom and this can and is true especially now more than ever.
However the last time an Independent had over 5% in the popular vote was in the 1992 and 96 elections arguably.
America’s Constitution is set to protect from faction but the fact that there are mainly two parties is kind of scary. So the other candidates and their parties are, Jo Jorgensen from the Libertarian Party, Howie Hawkins from the Green Party, Roque De La Fuente Guerra for America Freedom with Kanye West who argues to be in his own “Birthday” Party as President but he’s listed as Vice President for American Independent Party. Also Gloria La Riva is listed as President of the American Freedom Party.
Now I know many besides Kanye are like “who?” But as research and history has taught me, I hope to inspire the same because if we don’t know our history, how will we escape our past? And if we don’t know our present we can’t understand our future.
Now those in Congress are fighting for control which is possibly even greater than our general election. Democrats are fighting for control, Republicans are fighting for control but what about the people. I think it’s just sad that many are taking their parties view or their beliefs and telling even those who don’t agree to comply but that shouldn’t be the issue. Yet it is because the imbalance of emotion and logic that things have been so unclear. So if I support my local police, I’m a Trump supporter, or if I’m a Democrat then I automatically want to take away your private health coverage. I think everyone should consider the complexities as we can’t just choose one side based on words rather than action and vice versa but as many take that as an obvious sign who to vote for, it’s way more complex than that as we must look into every issue with the right amount of logic and emotion. And for those who’ve found middle ground, we need more of that but this issue is far too complex because although we may be “moderate,” we can still appease more to another side.
I don’t want to get into the specifics of our election, this may be a point that is not the case but rather how our country should be shaped for the years to come. Our history is important. All the concerns and problems that were important then are seemingly becoming today’s new in a sense. Some things repeat and some get introduced. History will remember the bad things and some good things. We cannot be one-sided but rather united especially in times of crisis. United against oppression and danger; united for a better chance, and understandable necessity. I do not mean to make this a speech but our Constitution is one of rules and law and not men. Some things mentioned happened to be that of the past, it’s just what we got to do; look deeper. Our judicial branch despite their view should remain independent, our executive (leader) shall be single and strong, our economy shall be free for opportunities but examined to ensure the safety of our citizens for now and the future. Also our bi-cameral legislature should stay separate instead of dominated by one party however, pettiness aside, real conversation should be taking place to handle the issues of our nation. This was important then as it is now.
Also I’d love to mention how I tried to steal away from the two running men and mention that this is a hard election. This was very hard to type as I give a portion of history and highest law, and attempt to mirror it to our world today. We all should be looking past our mistakes and understanding our present to ensure a better and safer country for now and the future but it all takes a better understanding through conversation of truth, history and the willingness to make the change happen especially for those who won’t or cannot.