Answers to your COVID-19 Questions
How the pandemic is affecting us at school.
Students from Dominguez Elementary preparing for the teacher appreciation drive-by parade.
May 9, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the lives of students throughout the nation, it is important to stay informed on what is going on at your school. There are many pressing questions as to what is happening, and many are confused. So, we interviewed Ms. Lew and Mr. Hannon on the current situation at our school. Here’s how the COVID-19 is affecting the students of Rancho Dominguez Preparatory schools (Disclaimer: The situation is rapidly changing, so things said here may also be subject to change).
So when are we going back to school?
As of now, this is really unknown; there is no definite date. Superintendent Beutner has extended school closures throughout the summer, but depending on developing information it could be longer.
What’s going on with my grades?
LAUSD and the United Teacher Los Angeles (UTLA) have to an agreement where students will be held harmless. This means that your grade cannot fall below what it was as of March 13th, but you can improve it. NO FAILS WILL BE GIVEN.
How will I know my grade?
You can ask your teacher during their office hours. Otherwise your 10 week grade will reflect your March 13th grade. Report cards are being mailed out by the district, so their date of arrival is unknown.
What if I don’t do any work?
The policy is intended to help students have a fair chance to turn in work no matter what their situation is. Teachers will report students who have absolutely no interaction with teachers which will result in the contacting of the students’ parents.
What if I need a device to do work?
Rancho Dominguez is allowing students to borrow electronic devices in order to complete work. In order to acquire one, let your teacher or an administrator know and you can pick it up at school.
What about our senior dues and paid activities?
As of now, Mr. Zamora of the student store is working to find out what exactly seniors can get back. Yearbooks, T-shirts, and possibly caps and gowns will not be refunded as they can still be distributed; the way in which they will be given is still not known. Prom refunds are still being looked over in order to see how much of the paid amount could be refunded based on the contract with the venue.
Will we have a high school graduation and middle school culmination?
There will be a celebration for our seniors and middle schooler. How this will happen is not yet known as it is a district wide decision. It is completely possible that RDPS may have a virtual graduation.
How are summer classes going to work? How are we going to be informed if we need to take summer classes?
Summer classes are going to also be virtual. However, we don’t know if it will be through Zoom calls like right now as it can also be done through Edgenuity.
Are the SAT’s, ACT’s, and SBAC tests going to become test optional or canceled?
The State Department of Education has canceled all the SBAC testing for this year. This also includes any state-level tests. As well, the SAT and ACT are also cancelled as well.
How will the cancellation of the SBAC going to affect us as students?
This will not affect us in any way. Most colleges in California are going to make modifications in the admission process and are most likely going to look more towards our grades and certain tests taken instead.
Will our current block schedule be continued next year when we come back or is this only for online classes?
The current block schedule will only be for online classes as faculty believed it would be too much for students to be taking six classes every day and so there won’t be any conflicting schedules.
While this pandemic is a very confusing time for all of us, the main priority that Ms. Lew, Mr. Hannon, and faculty staff want for all of us to be healthy and safe. With this Q&A, we hope to have answered most, if not, all of the questions you had. We, the journalism staff, hope to keep you updated and informed on the constantly changing landscape right now.