Teacher spotlight: Mr. Wu

Andrew Escudero, Staff Writer

      Richie Wu, my English Teacher, loves to play guitar. “I started playing guitar when I was 12 years old in junior high and the joy of playing guitar has never left me.”

     Mr. Wu mostly plays blues, rock, jazz, and soul, He mainly plays at bars, clubs, and local concert events around his town. He has been playing shows consistently for years with numerous bands.

     I was transferred to this school when I was in 10th grade and Mr. Wu’s class was my first and favorite because of Mr. Wu and Ms. G. Along with Ms. G. they helped me and the other students whenever we’re in need and help me get out of stress.

     “I’m just like everybody else, I started in a junior high band when I was 12 years old” Mr. Wu said.

     Mr. Wu has  been in multiple bands in the rock and blues genres. However, graphic design and photography have really been his passion. Mr. Wu started graphic design and photography in college at the age of 18. Originally, Mr. Wu wanted to go into advertising as a career. He got his first degree in that but decided to go back and get his teaching credential.

     Mr. Wu concluded,“These days, my health is the most important thing to me for that enables me to continue to pursue my passions.”