Journalism is A Source of Information


Illustration by Yvonne Rodriguez & Paulina Rosas

Wolfpack Staff

Journalism is the way we spread information from one person to another. Without journalism, where would all this newly learned information go. For a while journalistshave gotten a bad reputation because it is thought that “fake news” is spread around and we made up stories.People like Donald Trump’s make statements on “Fake News” and journalism isbeginning to be toxic in his own eyes and in many of his followers eyes. In Donald Trump’s eyes, news outlets are out to get him. The articles that are published constantly talking about how bad of a president he is
and how we plan to dethrone him with our “power.”

The question here is, do journalists reallyhave power? Journalists are currently protected by the constitution,which protects us from the government and other people who try to limit the spreading
of information. There are also many laws that allow us to write as we please about any topic we want as long as it is appropriate.

Yet, we do of coursestill have many restrictions that can preventjournalists from creating news articles that
expose or do wrong tothe people. It must beappropriate to publish and speak about publicly.

The writers and reporters of the newspaper get enough protection as it is, it is not too much or too little. We have enough protection to write what we feel is necessary to hand out to the public.

Even if we communicate our ideas through the news, it is still constantly stated that the facts that were presented are nothing but fake. Trump has had a big impact on howthe news outlets are seen. Trump and many others do not realize is that journalism is thebest way to spread worldwide news. Journalists are important. We have the ability to spread news to keep the populace educated about the world around us. Many dictatorships stop journalists to keep people ignorant and to “brainwash” their population with propaganda.

A strong example is North Korea, Kim Jong-Un places heavy restrictions on journalists in which they can only spread good news about their country and leader. So why does Donald Trump believe there are journalists who spread fake news? CNN has been the most general news outlet synonymous with “Fake News” according to Trump. What CNN does is contrasting to many journalists jobs, they have a bias and “exaggerate the truth” but that’s not to say they are bad. CNN is ran more like a company than a news outlet, they like to sell the product of interesting topics and focus on more what will grab consumers attentions. Which is not all bad, Trump makesit seem as if they are extremely terrible.

Real journalists put passion into their writing to spread news and talk about issues that are affecting
everyone not just one person. CNN does the same and compared to real journalism it isn’t all that different. Journalists do not sell products they get issues that go on in the world and put them into words that everyone can comprehend.

Trump has infectedpeople and his followers to believe that news outlets are releasing false news. From appearing on news outlets, he is gaining money making him richer by the second. Journalists should be taken seriously because they take time to speak about different topics not just one thing that will get them publicity. They write about various things that will get numbers of people interested because its diverse and they inform the community about situations that are occuring around the world. Journalism is something to cherish, these well put articles make an impact in our society. These passionate stories come from real writers and reporters, they are meant to give valuable information. We are covered under the law, and with this protection we are able to publicate articles based on importance not just to sell things.