Wizarding World Coming to an End

Jennifer Laredo, Staff Writer

The magical adventures of Harry Potter are unfortunately coming to an end after the eighth and final book. J.K. Rowling is known as the magical author who put together the adventures of Harry Potter. Though in this particular book, Rowling collaborated with Jack Thorne and John Tiffany. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part One and Part Two are written in a different format than all the others. This book was devised into a two part play and is based on an original story. The readers are able to see who is speaking what and where the characters are at all times.

This story is taken place in the wizarding world, of course. It is 19 years after the battle at Hogwarts a war between “he who shall not be named” and the wizards and witches. Harry and Ginny Potter have three kids, two boys Albus Severus, James Potter, and last but not least their only girl Lilly Potter. They all travel to platform nine and three quarters, to meet up with Ron and Hermione’s child Rose Weasley. The children are then dismissed and are sent off to Hogwarts. However, Albus is in for a treat and goes off into an adventure that will never be forgotten.

This book is literally one of my favorites, it’s simply incredible. However I think that it is great how Rowling made a play instead of a regular story. However, I’m still saddened over the fact that this is the final book.

Harry Potter has gone through many adventures and I feel that this is a great addition to the rest of the story. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is one hell of a journey but it is also filled with times where the reader… well they just want to throw the book to a wall. Believe me there were times where the characters would be put in a difficult situation and make things worse. Anywho both the journey and plot twist are well scripted, it just completes the whole book in general. I definitely recommend the book, if you are a wizard just like I am! I must warn you though, there are parts that have brought me to tears. That’s what I truly love about this book, readers are able to interact with the characters and connect with them on a deep level. Potter-heads definitely understand how magical this book can be.

If you are interested and are a new member of the wizarding world, I welcome you. Enjoy the magic, and always be aware of what’s around you. Not to worry, this may be the end of Harry Potter but we still have the Fantastic Beasts to worry about and where to find them!